
Marketing Automation Will Bring More Qualified Leads


Lists Builder IA

It's very easy to start creating email lists for your marketing actions. Just create your Tivo account


Campaign Tracker

Campaigns is a feature we've developed since the beginning because it's at the core of Tivo's functionalities


Analytics Tool

Tivo collects customer data in order to help you analyse different situations and take required action


Marketing Automation IA

Take your business strategy to the next level and automatize your marketing tasks to save time for product development. Tivo can provide results in less than 2 weeks


List Building Is Easier Than Ever

It's very easy to start using Tivo. You just need to fill out and submit the Sign Up Form and you will receive access to the app and all of its features in no more than 24h.

  • Create and embed on websites newsletter sign up forms
  • Manage forms and landing pages for your services
  • Add and remove subscribers using the control panel

Campaigns Monitoring Tools

Campaigns monitoring is a feature we've developed since the beginning because it's at the core of Tivo and basically to any marketing activity focused on results.

  • Easily plan campaigns and schedule their starting date
  • Start campaigns and follow their evolution closely
  • Evaluate campaign results and optimize future actions

Analytics Control Panel

Analytics control panel is important for every marketing team so it's beed implemented from the begging and designed to produce reports based on very little input information.

  • If you set it up correctly you will get acces to great intel
  • Easy to integrate in your websites and landing pages
  • The generated reports are important for your strategy

Now Is The Time To Upgrade Your Marketing Solution

Target the right customers for your business with the help of Tivo's patented segmentation technology and deploy efficient marketing campaigns. Keep your customers happy and loyal.

  • Understand customers and meet their requirements
  • Targeted client base with Tivo's efficient technology
What better way to show off Tivo marketing automation saas app than presenting you some great situations of each module and tool available to users in a video

Pricing Options Table

14 days trial
  • Email Marketing Module
  • User Control Management
  • List Building And Cleaning
  • Collected Data Reports
  • Planning And Evaluation
  • Email Marketing Module
  • User Control Management
  • List Building And Cleaning
  • Collected Data Reports
  • Planning And Evaluation
  • Email Marketing Module
  • User Control Management
  • List Building And Cleaning
  • Collected Data Reports
  • Planning And Evaluation
Comencé a usar IA NOVA con la versión de prueba gratuita hace aproximadamente un año y ya tengo la versión pro. Se encarga de todas las tareas de marketing repetitivas y me permite concentrarme en actividades de desarrollo centrales como la investigación y el diseño de nuevos servicios y productos. Me encanta y se lo recomiendo a todos mis colegas.
Denisse Aguilar - ODP, Mentoring IA
Excelentes funciones por el precio. Nunca pensé que IA NOVA me diera tantos clientes potenciales por la inversión. Antes utilizaba los servicios de una agencia que costaba 100 veces más y ofrecía mucho menos. Muy recomendable para los especialistas en marketing digital con IA centrados en los resultados.
Roberto Persivale - Eco. Investor Angel
IA NOVA es la mejor aplicación de automatización de marketing para pequeñas y medianas empresas en crecimiento IA. Entiende la mentalidad de los nuevos emprendedores y proporciona los datos necesarios para tomar decisiones de marketing inteligentes. La probé y ahora estoy en la cresta de la ola IA.
Javier Injoque - Ing. Developer IA
IA NOVA es una de las mejores aplicaciones de automatización de marketing que he visto. Y he visto muchas. Me encanta especialmente el módulo de herramientas de informes porque me brinda una gran cantidad de información basada en pequeñas cantidades de información recopilada en solo unas pocas semanas de uso lite. La recomiendo!
Alex Salazar - Com. Online Marketer

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